Jan 1
Well this is the first day of the new year. It is not quite 9 P.M. and every body but mother, Fred and me are asleep. Fred plowed all day to day said the ground is pretty dry + hard. I guess he'll plow to morrow. Ted + Tracy were out all night. Ted was with Eddie and I don't know who Tracy was with. He got home about day light this morning. Leona is in Lynwood. Ed + Chet came up this A.M. Chet came after something of Fred's. Today was just a beautiful day. I am heating water for a sponge bath. Hubert likes his job pretty well, but he has to put in such long hours. He had to get up this A.M. at 3 0'clock and get up tomorrow morning at the same time and I do too because I have to get his breakfast and put up a lunch. I washed a day or two ago on my new washer and like it fine. I wrote a letter to Annie to night.
Jan 8
This is Friday and has been another beautiful day. We're needing rain. Fred plowed last week got about half of it done but it was awfully dry. Mother was watering some garden that she set out about a week or ten days ago: she wants to put out some onion sets as soon as possible. Hubert hasn't come home yet and it is now a little after 9 o'clock. He didn't come home last night guess he went out to Lynwood. Leona is sitting on the bed reading to Tracy who is in bed. Ted left this A.M. to go some place with Eddie and hasn't come home yet. I just finished cutting Fred's hair. He will work tomorrow till noon then he wants to go in and see Jack Kinkaid about getting some money. We owe about $50.00 grocery bill now. I like my new washing machine. We a hen sitting, will hatch about the 24th. I went to meeting last Sunday. Ted is to go to the hospital Monday. He says they took a blood test. Charlie brot some paint and we've started to paint the house. Tracy brot Russell some new cover alls + over alls. Mother says she thinks she'll go home Sunday.
Jan 10
This is Sunday and has been a very pretty day. Tracy has been painting the house to day and incidentally airing his superiority and egotism much to Leona's discomfiture. He does say very rude and unkind things to say the least. Ted is to go to the hospital to morrow. I do hope he gets along O.K. Hubert went towork to day at 2:30. Fred set out onion sets. Mother went home last night had been here over 3 weeks. I get discouraged we owe over $50.00grocery bill. I wonder just how it will go and if we'll really make anything this year. I'll try any way.
Jan 20
This is Wednesday and a beautiful morning. We surely need rain we've had none for a long time. This morning Ted starts his fast which I want to be 14 days long. He ate nothing yesterday but fruit and raw vegetables. He came home from the hospital day before yesterday quite discouraged with a bad report so I decided to start the same treatment that I have read of in "Physical Culture" I want to adhere rigidly to this regime and believe if we do he'll get well. Chet, Edna, + Marie were here for dinner yesterday and when they went home little Mother who had been here for about a week a week went home with them. Today is Homer's birthday and they're giving him a kind of a party at Ed's just home people. Homer stayed all night Sunday night; came home with the boys from L.B, was disappointed because he didn't get to see Bede who stayed all night in Lynwood that night. Hubert is still working extra was on Wilshire yesterday. Day before yesterday Mrs. Robertson (the young one) came over in the after noon. It was quite cold this P.M. Fred set a hen last night. One hen will hatch next Monday. Chet got 7 lg leghorn eggs yesterday. Fred is working at Glendale to day.
Jan 22
Friday and was a pretty day warm and bright. I did a big washing to day, a little more to do to morrow. I used the washer. I like it quite well. Last night was pretty cold but the night before was a corker, water in the chicken's pans froze and some of the faucets were frozen. Leona stayed all night with Anna bell last night. Tracy is going to stay all night at Charlie's. Said Charlie was up to see him yesterday. Ted is now finishing his 3rd day of fasting. He says he feels kind of empty and a little hungry and kind of weak. He walked up town to day and yesterday too. Mailed a letter to Bernar(?) MacFadden yesterday. Hubert left at 9:30 this morning; got in at about 4 o'clock this A.M. He don't care much about the bus job. He needs sleep and looks kind of thin. Fred + Harty worked over on west 6th St most of the day. Russell plays around and has a good time. He's awfully sweet.
Jan 24
This is Sunday eve at 8: 5 o'clock Leona went away with Anna belle and hasn't returned yet. Hubert hasn't come home yet he left this A.M. at 6:30. Fred worked over at Glendale to day. Ted is winding up his 5th day of fast and says he fells weak and kind of hungry. He looks kind of thin. The folks were here to day; mother, Edna, Homer + Chet. Chet + Homer were a little tipsy. I didn't get to go to meeting to day; neither did mother nor Marie. Our first chickens are hatching to day. This was a pretty day. Ted + Tracy went to the show to day. Ted is sitting here talk and smoking. I wish he wouldn't smoke. His teeth have cleared up and look awfully white now which proves that smoking is not responsible for the dark film that has been on them. Leona needs a new pair of shoes.
Feb 1
This is Monday. I washed some to day will finish to morrow, I think if it doesn't rain. WE surely had a good soaking rain yesterday all day and all night the night before. Fred started irrigating Saturday so he says that is the reason it rained. Russell just now came in and said he was cold and "I'm hungry too." He is commencing to eat pretty good now. He has always been such a dainty eater. Ted broke his fast before he should have. He ate fruit all day yesterday and the evening before. He is to start his milk diet to night or in the morning, but he has been gone all day and may have eaten some thing up town for all I know. I'm quite discouraged over him. Homer stayed all night last night left about 9:15 this morning. Hubert got in about 12;45 last night and left about 5;40. Leona isn't home from school yet; she very seldom gets home before dark. I do hope I can attend the convention the 12th 13th + 14th of the month. I look for mother over in a day or two.
Feb 3
This is Wednesday and a foggy wet morning. It poured down yesterday evening and the wind blew. Leona didn't go to school this morning she's sick she'll go at noon if she feels like it. It's the first time she has stayed out this year. Ted left day before yesterday with my grocery order and I haven't seen him since. I don't know whether he went to Lynwood or not; of course that worries me. Russell is out side at he back door petting a cat (almost grown maltese) that came here last night. He's dear but awfully spoilt. He's a handsome boy; everybody remarks about his beautiful eyes + lashes. I paid the groceryman $15.00 yesterday. We still owe about $22.00. I'm so in hopes we'll make something this year. Russell is needing a new pair of shoes for dress. Tracy bought himself a pair night before last, real nice, paid $6.50; tan with a vari colored edge around the soul. I didn't get to meeting Sunday. I'm surely planning to attend the convention. How fast time goes!
Feb 9
This is Tuesday and a cloudy foggy day. It is about noon now and the sun is trying to shine a little by spells. Fred is setting out cabbage plants. Mother has been helping him some. He commenced Sat. eve. He plowed Sunday. We took the white hen off this morning with 27 chicks, but 15 of them he bought last night, they're white leghorn. Ted has been gone a week yesterday. I wonder where he is: how I wish he'd come home; he was getting better. I'm going to take Bede's suit up to have it cleaned to day and his shoes to be halfsoled. They're not worn out but getting a little thin. I didn't know whether Leona was late or not this A.M. she puts off everything till the last minute + it's impossible to hurry her. Mother + I went to meeting Sunday. Marie was there and got her book "Comfort For The Jews" This coming Friday our 3 day convention starts. I surely do want to attend. I washed 3 blankets yesterday off the boy's bed. I want to get a new mattress and springs as soon as possible.
Feb 14
This is Sunday and Valentines day. Mother + I returned on the Redondo bus from L.A. where we heard Br. Rutherford deliver a fine lecture to the public in the Shrine Auditorium. We've attended the whole 3 days convention (12th 13th + 14th) and it was fine too. Br. Woodworth was chairman. He is fine. Marie attended too. The weather was bad for the convention but good for the country. It poured down every day almost. I received a letter from Ted Thursday. He was going to Santa Cruz. I wish he'd come home, I miss him.
Feb 17
This is Wednesday. Mother and I planted potatoes yesterday + to day - 1 rows and we'll finish planting to morrow. It's up fast now after our big rain. Leona didn't go to school to day, she said she didn't have any thing to wear. Fred brought home 16 little chicks to night, got them on Kelso at Cook's; Rhode Island Reds. Our 3rd hen is hatching to day and yesterday; she has 11 that will make 27 all to gether. I paid $30 on the grocery bill to day it was about $44.00. I went to the meeting Sunday and heard Bro Thorn deliver a good talk. Mother didn't go as Leona hadn't come home and we both couldn't leave. Marie was there. Leona went up this evening to ride around with Bede on the bus, he drives the Inglewood bus to day. Tracy went to the show to night. He weighed a few days ago and weighed 170 lbs. He looks fine. Bede looks a little thin.
Feb 26
This is Friday and has certainly been a hot day, hot as a summer day: earthquake weather old man Robertson says. Fred laid off yesterday and to day and plowed will plow to morrow, too, I guess. We went over to day to Neels on Kenwood St. and bought 4 turkey hens, rather small, one weighed 9 lbs., and paid $25.00 for the 4. Hubert is not home yet, it is now about 9:40. Tracy went with Eddieto a game or something to night. I guess Leona went to a game too, she hasn't come home yet. Russell is asleep on the bed. I mailed a letter to Ted in Sacramento. I do wish he was home. I mailed a letter to Rena too. Charlie + Bobby were up several nights ago.
Mar. 11
This is Thursday and has been quite a pretty day, yesterday and day before were windy. Ted came home Tuesday evening: looks well, is better than when he left. Hubert has a regular run, his first regular, till Apr. 1st. Melrose I think. He goes on at 3 P.M and gets off at about mid night. He got a new pair of boxing slippers paid $8.00 for them. Leona gave Anna belle a kerchief for her birthday yesterday paid 50 cents for it I think. We have two dogs here now. One a german police which a man traded to Fred for some fertilizer. She has distemper tho and I don't know what to do for her. She is 6 months old. Her name is Trixie. The other is a pup, part collie, I guess. I don't suppose we'll keep both of them. We have 2 cats too. Andre and another that they call Jerry. We have two hens setting on Turkey eggs, one was set a week ago last night and the other about last Saturday night. The folks, Chet, Ed +Grace and last but not least in importance my little mother. They said Marie is fasting because she is a little over weight. Russell has a sore foot but he won't let me open it; it needs it.
Mar. 15
This is Monday at about 8:45 A.M. Leona has gone to school and Bede has just left to keep an appointment with the dentist. Ted is sitting here saying he wishes he could quit smoking said "I can fast easier than I can quit smoking." Ted and I are on a raw vegetables and fruit diet. We fasted Friday and have been on a raw veg + fruit diet since I want to stay on it long enough to take off this superfluous fat. The little police dog that we got 2 wks. ago yesterday is quite sick. Friday she had a fit and I was worried sick, I thot sure she was mad , but I believe she has pneumonia. Fred has been giving her medicine, carbolic acid + glycerine a lady told him about it that raises dogs. I think she will die, I feel so sorry for her. Mother and I were at the meeting yesterday and heard Bro. Thorn give a fine talk. It will soon be memorial again, I don't know whether I'll attend in Inglewood or L.A. I only want to be worthy. I'm going to try some way to get out in the work. Fred irrigated yesterday and plowed a strip of ground and harrowed it. The spuds, beans and corn are coming up.
Mar 19
This is Friday, I am sitting on the bed writing this. I'm dressed in a shirt of the boy's and Tracy's baseball pants. I got soaking wet tending to the chickens we had a big down pour; so I had to take off every stich of clothes as i was "wet to the skin." Fred has come I guess it was too rainy for them to work. The little police dog Trixie died yesterday about 11 o'clock and Ted buried her. We had all become quite atached to her. I have been on a vegetable (raw) and fruit diet a week to day, I feel fine. I eat whole wheat bread + butter and an occasional bite of something cooked but practically I have eaten no cooked food except bread and only about 2 slices a day. Ted + I (mostly Ted) white washed a hen house yesterday. I am going to weigh to day.
(158 lbs.)
Mar 22
This is Monday and a beautiful day. I went to the meeting yesterday: mother nor Marie were there. Bro. Sexton spoke to the public and Bro. Vendley to the friends both were good. Leona stayed home and cleaned the house all up fine. She can be awfully nice when she wants too. Frank was here yesterday, moved his things up from camp. Tracy and a boy, Harry, went to the races yesterday. Ted is still on his vegetable + fruit diet. He and Tracy went to Ima's night before last. Fred was home all day yesterday working on the place: harrowed some, cultivated the potatoes, planted some tomatoes, etc. Robertson planted the corn on Currys this A.M and is now harrowing the other ground ready to plant. Russell is playing in here on the floor with led pencils and dominoes. I have been thinking this morning about getting a fruit patty patented; I believe I could. I'm going to find out all I can and see if I could. The memorial is this coming Saturday night. Marie has bought her new furniture and says I can have her wicker rocker.
Mar 28
This is Sunday almost 10 P.M Mother is here and in bed. She came from memorial last night. Bob drove us all out to Lynwood and then here. I saw Bob's and Marie's home and it looks awfully nice. Bob is awfully proud of it and he has certainly made it all so nice. Their new furniture is nice too. Leona is over to Ed's. She is still in love with school, she rides in on the bus now (school bus) and has been for a week. Bede gave her $2.00, she bought a pair of sox for herself paid $1.69 for them. We've been awfully busy to day and yesterday with little chicks that we got Thursday night (the 25th - 275 and the 26th -94) The 275 he got of Cooks + the 94vhe had hatched from his eggs. We've lost about 6 or 7 and they were weak or crippled. Fred cultivated cabbage + corn today. Robertson finished planting about last Wednesday. I didn't go to meeting to day. I forgot to say we held memorial in Forrester's Hall.
April 1st
This is Thursday and "All Fool's Day." It rained a little last night, not much, just enough to make it damp for my little baby chix, out of 369 chix I've only lost about 11 so far but about 5 or 6 look kind of droopy. A few have developed a little bowel trouble. I think it is the feed. Ted has taken the Ford up this A.M. to get $1.00 of "milcraft". Yesterday I got 25 cents worth of Pratts chick mash but it didn't last long and as it is 7 cents per lb. it's pretty expensive feed. We keep the wood heater going most of the day time and of course the gas heater in the brooder at night. 3 little turkies hatched yesterday and I think that is all that hen will have! I think her eggs got cold. The first turkies to hatch this year! Bede takes his new run to day. I hope he likes it, he don't like this bus driving job a bit, any way says it gets to his kidneys. He looks rather thin. Mother is out side she sure is a busy little body and a wonderful help to me. She seems so strong and well for her age. Tuesday Ted drove up to Marie's and brot down 2 rockers, 1 for me and 1 is Homer's. Homer had thot he was thru at the theatre but they called him back, I guess the new organ didn't work very good.Fred sprayed cabbage yesterday after noon, didn' work for Hartz's day. Russell and Timie have great times. Russell is well. Leona is still at Ed's.
April 5
Well this is Monday and the rainiest day I've seen in a long time. It has rained all day and last night and has just poured torrents. We've just lived out with the chickens to day. I think we've lost about 24 or 25. Sn. Chapel said yesterday at meeting that they had lost 30 odd and she thot they had done exceedingly well. Mother is still with me. Leona has been at Ed's for over a week. I looked for her home yesterdaybut she didn't come. I have a tooth ache to night. Frank was here a while to day.
Apr 12
This is Monday morning and Leona missed her bus. Mother and I went to meeting yesterday but arrived late on account of waiting on the bus so long and then having to walk because the bus don't run on Sunday between 1 and 4 P.M. Bro. Sexton spoke yesterday, good of course as he always is. It sprinkled rain a little and mother and I hurried home for fear wed get caught in the rain. The chickens haven't done so well as we expected on account of the feed but mostly on account of the weather. We've sure had an awful lot of rain the past 2 weeks. The first part of last week it just poured down. We still have 7 little turkies. Fred cultivated potatoes and corn yesterday. Mother has been busy working out doors the past few days. Bede got a new pr. of tan shoes day before yesterday 11.00 He says he's going to quit the 25th.
Apr 13
This is Tuesday morning and so far a beautiful day. Mother and Russell are outside. I've just finished attending to the little chicks, 3 dead ones this A.M. I don't know just how many we've lost but I imagine about 45. Hubert laid off to day and went over to Lynwood, they're all going to Redondo Beach I think. This is Grace's day off. Ted was going but Hartz wanted him to work to day. Leona has gone to school after one of her increasingly more frequent tirades against conditions here etc: was exceedingly insulting and insinuating and unkind in her remarks to and about me; blamed me for marrying as I did + bringing her "unwanted" into the world etc. etc. Mother was terribly disgusted with her said she hoped that it would all come back to her some day. Mother says she's surely an awful "grouch". She's terribly pessimistic and tyrannical and the worst of it is, she can't see that at all thinks everybody else is. I do her washing + ironing, wait on her, cut her hair etc and the most unkind, unappreciative treatment to repay me for my pains. But thank the Lord the time is not far where all these things shall pass away. "Thy Kingdom Come!"
Apr 16
This is Friday and has been a rather pretty day. Fred stayed home and cultivated today. Ted worked; this makes the 4th day he has worked for Hartz, will work to morrow. I cut Russell's hair short to day I think he looks awfully sweet, he has such a pretty little head. Ted and Tracy have gone to the show to night. Hubert went over to Lynwood yesterday (layed off) and saw some kind of a little movie with Cart + Eva in it: said Cart looked cute but Eva not so good. Hubert says Bob looks awfully thin: he's working hard + late. We have 15vlittle turkies hatched to day and 2 hatched 2 or 3 days ago. That makes 22 all to gether. I have a tooth ache to night: the lower back tooth on the right side. We received a letter from Annie tell of V's death the 6th I think. Rena wrote about being bitten by a dog I surely hope she will have no bad effects. I guess mother will go home in the morning she has been with me now almost 3 weeks. The gophers are bothering in the front yard. Andre the cat that used to watch for them was killed about 2 weeks ago. Tracy said "Mickey" came up where he is working in her new car.
April 30th
This is Friday and a cool, cloudy morn makes it bad on the little chix. We intend to get 500 more about Monday and I have to do a lot of cleaning to day getting ready for them; it surely keeps me going all the time and I get awfully tired + nervous some times. I went to town yesterday and paid down on a coat for myself paid 3.00 still owe $14.35. It's a dark blue I think its quite pretty. I also got me a pair of slippers $2.95 and two pr. house slippers 1 leather and 1 felt, $1.50 and 49 cents, got talcum powder + soap and a few other things; two pr sox 1 Leona is wearing. She is in the track meet to morrow and is irritable and nervous, told Russell this morning that he sang thru his nose + she didn't like to hear it. She is cross and superior acting most of the time. I'm sorry she is allowing herself to develop such a character she'll have a time undoing it in the not to distant future I'm thinking. Ted + Tracy went to a dance last night. Ted is working to day also Fred of course. Fred cultivated all day yesterday. I'm going to Marie's Sunday Bob's coming after me. I went to the meeting last Sunday, Br. Talliferio spoke.
May 3
A cloudy Monday morn has been cloudy most of the time for the past 2 weeks the sun has only peeped out occasionally. It showered yesterday. I spent the day or rather the afternoon and evening at Marie's yesterday. Bob came after us and Leona, Russell and I went; had alovely time. Marie had chicken fried and dandy fruit salad. Her house surely is nice Bob's so proud of it all and I think he has reason to be he has done every thing so nicely. Went over to Ed's in the evening and his place looks nice too, I'll say. Saw Grace's new sport coat, pretty. Tracy + Ted came over in the after noon, Tracy had gone to Hollywood where he took a screen test. Bob brot us all home after mother, Marie and I had attended a public address in Lynwood by Br. Stark; not very many there. Hubert left with Gordon for Sacramento Saturday after noon. I miss him awfully. Tracy + Ted both look well. Leona has a pretty green dress that Ed gave her for her birthday and a tie 2 pretty teddies, a pr. garters and a kerchief that Grace gave her. Bede gave her $2.00 + Ted gave her one. She ran at the track meet in Compton Saturday and Inglewood Mon. She was elated.
May 11
This is Tuesday and a beautiful warm sunny morning. Fred + Ted + Tracy have gone to work, and Leona has gone to school on her bus; she misses it most of the time but she got it this A.M. She got a wind blown bob Friday got it in L.A. Ed + Grace met her there and went with her; quite becoming. She got a new pr. shoes Thursday pd. $4.95 for them; pretty. Our last batch of brooder chix (white leghorn) are a wk. old to day. We have lost about 15 I think. Haven't heard from Bede yet; left over a wk. ago wish he'd write. Fred irrigated Currie's + his corn yesterday all day. They, Fred, Ted + Tracy pumped water and irrigated Sunday; I went to meeting Br. Vendley spoke to the public; and then we had election of officers. Brs. Mc/Pherson, Sexton and Talliferio objected to two of the lawes in the resolutions but everything was made all right. Br. Starke was chairman and was re-elected. The big strike in England is assuming ominous proportions. The glorious day of the Lord is rising and soon this old order of death and sin will pass away. What a grand age to be living in.
May 15
This is Saturday and a beautiful day so far. I have a sprained feeling and can hardly walk. I worry over bills. We now owe about $84.00 grocery bill 2 mos. milk bill and a big gas and electric bill. How discouraging it all is. I've been an old self pittier this morning but how heart sick I do get some times. There is so much to be done. We have about 800 young chickens and it certainly keeps me on the go continually and then the work is never done. I really and truly want to develope a character that will be pleasing the my Heavenly Father. Looking back over the years how ashamed I am of my short comings and conduct in general. What a fool; Tomorrow is meeting day and I want to plan to go. Fred is working to day Ted worked most of the week last week.
May 19
This is Wednesday morning; cloudy and cool for little chicks. The little white chicks look pretty good. I imagine we've lost at least 50; several more look not any too good. I've been feeling badly for the past 4 or 5 days; commenced with a kind of a sprained feeling in the groin and when I'm on my feet too long there is a pressure feeling that is anything but pleasant. Fred has been off all week irrigated some but something is wrong with the engine now so he can't irrigate till it's fixed. Andres(?) was over yesterday and evening but didn't get it fixed. Fred had to go to town this morning. I guess he'll get some lumber to fix the porch with. Charlie will come next Sunday to build one or help, rather. I'd like to trim my boy's hair to day it grows so fast. I cut it short several weeks ago. Cart didn't like it says it makes him look like all the other little "snots" now. We sold $1.50 worth of spuds yesterday (6lbs. for 25 cents. and 1 chicken $1.25. (35cents a lb.) I don't think the turkies are doing very well. We've sold cabbage several times to a colored man, also eggs. No letter from Bede yet. Tracy brot home a new awfully pretty wool looking jersey night before last.
June 3
This is Thursday, rather nice to day. The mornings are still cool + cloudy which makes it bad for chicks. Leona was excused from school to day, she told them she was sick and she's over across the street on the porch in our little rocker studying geometry. She wants to pass an examination so she'll be eligible for edition of "Green + White". She failed in the first test this A.M. she was up last night nearly all night went to bed about 4: A.M. + got up a little after 5, so she's sleepy and tired to day. Fred + Ted are irrigating to day. Ted stayed home to help Fred. I'm tired to day. It surely does keep a person on the run. Something, a dog I guess, got one of our little turkeys and tore an old hen almost to pieces, last night. We are selling string beans now, hav not sold many yet. Our potatoes are fine, we've sold a good many. We owe almost $80. grocery bill and I imagine that they are acting a little "crabie" about it. How I wish we could pay what we owe. Our white chickens are dying fast. I guess they were not a strong bunch. They haven't found Aimee S. McPherson's body yet. Mother was with me last week. She wants to take a trip east this summer to see her sister in Iowa, I hope she can. Mother, Russell +I went to meeting last Sunday.
June 12
This is Saturday a cloudy gloomy morning as usual. We've seen very little sun for the past month. I'm feeling nervous and almost sick this A.M. I hadn't felt well for the past 3 weeks any way and yesterday our dog was taken away by the "vet", he had rabies. Now I'm worried sick over the family, especially Russell. He played with the dog all the time and of course the dog licked him repeatedly. When I get to talk with the county health doctor I'm going to have him take the Pasteur treatment; also Leona. I don't know whether the others will or not. The dog didn't have fits and drank water day before yesterday, but when the vet pulled him over to the water yesterday he couldn't drink but tried and after that he bit at a stick Ted held before him. I surely will be thankful if nothing serious comes of this. I'm terribly nervous and worried. Leona is getting ready to go and meet Ed in L.A. she's going to try and get a new coat. We're expecting Rena + family in about a week.Ted is irrigating Currie's to day. Fred is working for Hartz has for the past 4 days. I think will be home this coming week. I went to meeting last Sunday, also to Hawthorne to hear Br. Murray Monday afternoon.
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